A | B | C-D | E-F | G | H | I-J | K-L | M-N | O-P | Q-S | T-V | W-Z
Walid Al-Saqaf
Walid Al-Saqaf is a Yemeni journalist, software developer and media and communication researcher. He is the director of the Global Journalism master programme at Örebro University, where he studies Internet censorship and works on Internet projects to empower activists involved the Arab Spring. Among his projects was Alkasir for Internet Censorship Mapping and Circumvention, which is used by users in many countries including Syria and Iran to access blocked websites. He is also a TED and ICANN Fellow as well as a member of the advisory group for the Arab Internet Governance Forum. He is also a member of the Cyber Stewards Network.
Nima Akbarpour
Nima Akbarpour is a BBC Farsi television producer and presenter. He is the host of Click Farsi and co-host of Your Turn which both air on BBC Farsi. Akbarpour has been an active blogger for over 11 years.
Dmitri Alperovitch
Dmitri Alperovitch is the Co-Founder and CTO of CrowdStrike Inc., leading its Intelligence, Research and Engineering teams. A renowned computer security researcher, he is a thought-leader on cybersecurity policies and state tradecraft. Prior to founding CrowdStrike, Dmitri was a Vice President of Threat Research at McAfee, where he led company’s global Internet threat intelligence analysis. In 2010 and 2011, Alperovitch led the global team that investigated and brought to light Operation Aurora, Night Dragon and Shady RAT groundbreaking cyberespionage intrusions, and gave those incidents their names. Alperovitch holds a master’s degree in Information Security and a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, both from Georgia Institute of Technology. |
Amelia Andersdotter
Amelia Andersdotter is a Member of the European Parliament for the Pirate Party in Sweden. She works with industrial policy in the parliamentary committee of Industry, Research and Energy and is a substitute member of the committees for international trade, INTA, and budget control, CONT. She is the Patron of the European Parliament Free Software User Group (EPFSUG), and also works in the delegations for the Andean community and Korean peninsula. |
Andrew Anderson
Andrew Anderson has been the Deputy Director of Front Line since March 2003 where he has been responsible for managing the growth and development of the organization, including a particular focus on research and on policies and programs that respond effectively and practically to the needs of human rights defenders at risk. Previously he worked for 13 years at the International Secretariat of Amnesty International where he was Director of the Campaigning and Crisis Response Program and then Director of the Africa Program. He holds an MA (Hons) in Politics and Modern History from the University of Edinburgh and a Postgraduate Diploma in Voluntary Sector Management from the City University Business School (London). |
Collin Anderson
Collin Anderson is an independent researcher with a passion for open data and informed policy on the conflict between governments and the public over the free flow of information through networks and broadcast media. |
Ang Peng Hwa
Professor Ang Peng Hwa is Director of the Singapore Internet Research Centre at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He is the author of Ordering Chaos: Regulating the Internet (Thomson, 2005), which argues that the Internet can be, is being and should be regulated. He was a member of the Working Group on Internet Governance. A lawyer by training, he worked as a journalist before going on to pursue a Master’s in communication management at the University of Southern California and a Ph.D. in the mass media at Michigan State University. His teaching and research interests combine law and communication, touching on internet law and policy, censorship, and the social impact of media. He has been a visiting scholar at Harvard and Oxford universities. |
Renata Avila
Renata Avila is a Guatemalan lawyer working in human rights who is an active advocate for freedom of expression, privacy, digital rights, access to knowledge and respect for indigenous rights. She is the Country Lead of Creative Commons Guatemala and also co-heads the Technology for Transparency Initiative. She is a board member of the Science Council for the Web Index. She is a contributing writer for Global Voices on Line, Global Voices Advocacy, the Open Net Initiative and other publications. Avila actively promotes the involvement of girls and women in technology and is interested in the improvement of societies through access to knowledge, the sharing of differences and acceptance of plural visions. She is also a member of the Cyber Stewards Network.
Stewart Baker
Stewart Baker is a partner in the law firm of Steptoe and Johnson. He is the author of Skating on Stilts- Why We Arent Stopping Tomorrow’s Terrorism, a book on the security challenges posed by technology and the use of data in preventing terrorism. From 2005 to 2009, he was the first Assistant Secretary for Policy at the Department of Homeland Security. From 1992 to 1994, Baker was General Counsel of the Naitonal Security Agency. In both agencies, he has substantial responsibility for US cybersecurity policymaking. Baker is a distinguished Fellow of the Center for National Security Law. Baker’s practice covers national security, electronic surveillance, law enforcement, export control, encryption, and related technology issues. |
Markus Beckedahl
Markus Beckedahl is a blogger at netzpolitik.org, one of the most influential political blogs in Germany. He co-founded the Digitale Gesellschaft e.V., an organization defending digital rights and he helps Creative Commons as a public project lead for Germany.
He co-founded the re:publica in Berlin, a conference about blogs, social media and the digital society and works for newthinking communications, an agency specialized on open source strategies. |
Hamed Behravan
Hamed Behravan is Director of Iran Programming for Democracy Council, and a TV host and producer for Voice of America. He has a decade of experience in social and multimedia communication with a focus on Iran. Hamed has personally field tested many low and high tech communication solutions around Iran and has played a key role in developing the first ever Persian media application that allows a secure communication between citizen reporters in Iran and American media. He has also designed and distributed multiple manuals on Internet freedom and ways to bypass filtering in hostile environments. |
Richard Bejtlich
Richard Bejtlich is Chief Security Officer at MANDIANT. He was previously Director of Incident Response for General Electric, where he built and led the 40-member GE Computer Incident Response Team (GE-CIRT). Prior to GE, he operated TaoSecurity LLC as an independent consultant, protected national security interests for ManTech Corporation’s Computer Forensics and Intrusion Analysis division, investigated intrusions as part of Foundstone’s incident response team, and monitored client networks for Ball Corporation. Bejtlich began his digital security career as a military intelligence officer in 1997 at the Air Force Computer Emergency Response Team (AFCERT), Air Force Information Warfare Center (AFIWC), and Air Intelligence Agency (AIA). Bejtlich is a graduate of Harvard University and the United States Air Force Academy. He wrote The Tao of Network Security Monitoring and Extrusion Detection, and co-authored Real Digital Forensics. His next book is Practical Network Security Monitoring.
Jochai Ben-Avie
At Access, Jochai Ben-Avie he heads up the policy team, crafting pragmatic policy advice on issues surrounding Internet censorship and surveillance, telecom and spectrum policy, freedom of speech, privacy, and Internet governance. Prior to Access, he researched terrorism and reconciliation, the rise of public education, and the relationship between stress and coping. Ben-Avie graduated summa cum laude from Bard College at Simon’s Rock with a BA in Political Science and Social Psychology. |
Irina Borogan
Irina Borogan is an investigative journalist and a deputy editor of Agentura.Ru. She started her journalist career in 1996 as a reporter. In 1999, she covered the NATO bombings in Serbia. She is also a co-founder of the project Agentura.Ru. In 2002-2005 she reported on espionage charges leveled by the main domestic security agency of the Russian Federation, FSB, and she regularly chronicled the increasing influence of the special services in the Russian government. In 2006 she covered the Lebanon War from Lebanon and tensions in West Bank and Gaza Strip for Novaya Gazeta. In 2009, Borogan started a series of articles investigating the Kremlin’s campaign to gain control of civil society and strengthen the government’s police services under pretext of fighting extremism. The series was published in Ezhednevny Journal and on Agentura.Ru. |
Dennis Broeders
Dennis Broeders is a senior research fellow and project coordinator at the Dutch Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR), an independent strategic think tank for the Dutch government, and a senior research fellow at the department of Sociology of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. As a senior research fellow and project leader he has worked on various issues at the council, most recently on the ‘information government’ (iGovernment, 2011, Amsterdam University Press). At Erasmus University he works on the theme of surveillance and (internal) migration control, as well as Internet governance and cyber security. He has held visiting research fellowships at the Social Science Research Centre Berlin (WZB) in 2008 and at the University of Oxford in 2011. |
Jeff Brueggeman
Jeff Brueggeman is the Vice President-Public Policy and Deputy Chief Privacy Officer for AT&T. In this role, he is responsible for developing and coordinating AT&T’s public policy positions on privacy, cybersecurity and Internet issues. Brueggeman leads the team that manages AT&T’s privacy policies and provides guidance on data privacy and security issues. His team also supports AT&T’s business in the operation of its global Internet network and deployment of cloud computing and other emerging services. He participates in a wide range of legislative, regulatory and policy development proceedings involving privacy, cybersecurity and Internet issues. In addition, he represents AT&T in various international events and organizations related to Internet governance, including the Internet Governance Forum and ICANN. Prior to joining AT&T, Brueggeman worked as a telecommunications attorney in private practice. |
Ryan Budish
Ryan Budish is a Fellow at the Berkman Center and the Project Director of Herdict, which uses crowdsourcing to present a real-time view of Internet accessibility around the world. Ryan has examined the ways in which technology and its intersection with the law can have a significant impact on the everyday lives of people. His recent publications include: “Obama Administration’s Approach to Cybersecurity, Data Protection Law & Policy” (June 2009) (Co-Author); “In the Face of Danger: Facial Recognition and the Limits of Privacy Law (Note)”, 120 Harvard Law Review 1870 (2007); and “Developments in the Law of Voting and Democracy, Part VI: Voting in Times of Crisis”, 119 Harvard Law Review 1176 (2006). Ryan received his J.D. cum laude from Harvard Law School, where he served as an editor of the Harvard Law Review. He received his B.A. with High Honors from Swarthmore College. |
Marilyn Cade
Marilyn Cade works at the nexus of Internet, information and communications technology (ICT) and global public policy in relation to the Internet’s changing role as a global contributor to social and economic growth and development. Cade advises business regarding multi lateral organizations, such as the ITU, OECD, APEC, WIPO and ICANN, and the Internet Governance Forum. She was a member of the ITU Secretary General’s High Level Expert Group on Cyber Security (HLEG), and a Director in the G20 ICT Policy Network, an initiative focused on working with G20 leaders and innovation ministers. Cade participated in the two phases of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), is actively engaged today in post WSIS activities on Internet Governance, and is an advocate for broadening the concept and actualization of true multistakeholder participation in Internet policies and Internet governance. |
Michael Carbone
Michael Carbone is Manager of Tech Policy and Programs at Access. There he bridges the fields of tech and policy by managing projects that support the development of innovative rights-aware technologies, aid civil society organizations in staying digitally secure, and analyze network interference and censorship online. Prior to Access, Michael explored the policy, international law, and regional implications of emerging information and communication technologies at the State Department and worked in the intersection of journalism and technology at a number of news organizations and nonprofits including the International Reporting Project. Michael received his bachelor’s degrees from the University of Chicago in Mathematics and East Asian Languages & Civilizations, studied in China at Capital Normal University, Zhejiang University, and the Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies, and completed his master’s degree at Johns Hopkins University’s School for Advanced International Studies in China Studies, International Economics, and International Law. |
Scott Carpenter
Scott Carpenter is the Deputy Director at Google Ideas (New York), the company’s “think-do tank” that attempts to find innovative ways to approach today’s greatest problems. Carpenter has devoted much of his life to promoting democracy and human rights. After graduating from the John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies with a master’s in international economics and European studies, he worked to promote democracy abroad with the International Republican Institute and as deputy assistant secretary of state for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. He then went on to join the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a think tank dedicated to increasing “security, peace, prosperity, and democracy” in the Middle East. As a Keston Family Fellow, Carpenter directed the Washington Institute’s Project Fikra, a program designed to empower Arab democrats in resisting authoritarianism and religious extremism. |
Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Castonguay
Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Castonguay is a graduate of the Collage Militaire Royal (CMR) in St-Jean, QC (May 1987) with a Bachelor of Sciences (Computer). He is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP®) in good standing since December 2004. He graduated from the Royal Military College Master in Defence Studies programme in June, 2009. His military career spans several diverse assignments in various technology disciplines including: Electronic Warfare (EW), software development, telecommunications, project management, network operations, network defence, multinational experimentation, and concept development. He is currently employed as the Commander of the Canadian Forces Cyber Task Force. |
Alberto J. Cerda
Alberto J. Cerda Silva is director of DerechosDigitales, a Chilean-based civil society organization working on promoting and defending human rights on digital environments. He is also a tenure law professor at the Center of Studies on Law and Information at the University of Chile Law School. Currently, he is a Fulbright Commission scholar pursuing a doctoral degree in law at Georgetown University with a dissertation on human rights and Internet regulation in Latin America. He is also a member of the Cyber Stewards Network.
Tenzin Choedon
Tenzin Choedon is the Outreach Coordinator at the Tibet Action Institute, a project that brings together thought leaders, campaigners, and technology experts to develop and implement strategies designed to help Tibetans win their nonviolent struggle for rights and freedom. A third generation Tibetan refugee born and raised in India, Choedon has seen firsthand the impact on the Tibetan community of online surveillance, censorship, and targeted malware attacks, as well as the need for creative solutions. As with most Tibetans, her involvement in the Tibet movement started at a young age. At university, she served on the executive of the Tibetan Youth Congress’s Delhi chapter, and from 2006-2011, she worked at Students for a Free Tibet India, first as Program Director and later as National Director. |
Kilnam Chon
Kilnam Chon contributed to the Internet’s growth in Asia through his extensive work in advancing Internet initiatives, research, and development. He developed the first Internet in Asia, called SDN in 1982, and his pioneering work inspired many others to promote the Internet’s further growth in the region. Chon has worked on networking systems, including the Internet, since the early 1980s. He founded and is the current chair of various regional Internet organizations such as Asia Pacific Networking Group (APNG), Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN), and Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Name Forum (APTLD). He is also the co-chair of the Coordination Committee of Intercontinental Research Networking (CCIRN). Professor Chon received a PhD degree in computer science from University of California, Los Angeles in 1974, and a BS degree in engineering science from Osaka University. He joined the Korea Institute of Electronics Technology in 1979 to work on computer system development, and moved to Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in 1982 as a professor in the Computer Science Department. |
Andrew Clement
Andrew Clement is a Professor in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto, where he coordinates the Information Policy Research Program and is a co-founder of the Identity, Privacy and Security Initiative. With a PhD in Computer Science, he has had longstanding research and teaching interests in the social implications of information/communication technologies and participatory design. Among his recent research projects related to identity, privacy and surveillance, he has been principal investigator of three projects funded by the federal Office of the Privacy Commissioner: “Private Eyes”, on video surveillance in the private sector, “Proportionate ID”, on prototyping a privacy protective digital wallet, and currently “IXmaps: Mapping Canadian privacy risks in the internet cloud.” |
David Cole
David Cole works with the Pearson Foundation where he oversees strategic partnerships and curriculum development focused on educational leadership, 21st century skills, next generation learning, school-to-career programs and the common core standards. Prior to joining the Foundation, Cole worked for Pearson PLC, the Foundation’s parent company, leading product and business development teams for K-12 and Higher Education. He has held positions with Nortel and Microsoft. He spent the first ten years of his professional life as an English and writing instructor. He holds an A.B. in English from Middlebury College, and MAs in writing and literature. |
Joshua Corman
Joshua Corman is the Director of Security Intelligence for Akamai Technologies and has more than a decade of experience with security and networking software. Most recently he served as Research Director for Security at The 451 Group following his time as Principal Security Strategist for IBM Internet Security Systems. Corman’s cross-domain research highlights adversaries, game theory and motivational structures. His analysis cuts across sectors to the core security challenges plaguing the IT industry, and helps to drive evolutionary strategies toward emerging technologies and shifting incentives. Corman received his bachelor’s degree in philosophy, graduating Phi Beta Kappa and summa cum laude, from the University of New Hampshire. |
Andrew Cushman
Andrew Cushman is the Sr. Director of Strategy in the Trustworthy Computing Group at Microsoft Corp. Cushman works with teams across Microsoft and the broader security ecosystem to catalyze technical, economic and policy innovation in order to bring about a safer, more trusted Internet. He previously managed the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) and was responsible for emergency response to security threats, response policies, and monthly updates. Cushman expanded the MSRC’s outreach programs to cover security researchers as well as mainstream security organizations, companies and computer emergency response teams. He also led the Internet Information Services (IIS) team during the development of IIS 6.0 in Windows Server® 2003. Cushman earned a bachelor’s degree from the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington and a master of international business degree from Seattle University. |
Masashi Crete-Nishihata
Masashi Crete-Nishihata is the research manager of the Citizen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. He has published work on information controls during the 2008 Russia-Georgia conflict, cyber security research ethics, cyber attacks against Burmese media groups, and the psychosocial impacts of lifelogging technologies. His research interests include technology policy, information controls, and human computer interaction.
Nikos Dacanay
Nikos Dacanay is currently doing a research project on Internet and mobile phone usage among ethnic migrant organizations in northern Thailand, sponsored by Singapore Internet Resource Center (SIRCA). Previous to this, he did a research on the use of telecenters and cybercafés by Burmese ethnic migrants on the Thai-Burma border, sponsored by the Amy Mahan Research Fellowship. He is co-author of the book Txting Selves: Cellphones and Philippine Modernity (De La Salle University Press, 2002). He has done research work in the academe and for non-government organizations (NGOs), and his involvement in these two fields has shaped both the nature of his research (ethnographic and policy-oriented) as well as his interest in various and inter-connected subjects/topics: migration/diaspora, gender, sexuality, ICT, notions of the self, identity, body, citizenship, geography, and human rights. He received his MA in Asian Studies – Thailand focus – from the University of the Philippines. He is currently a researcher with the Human Rights Education Institute of Burma (HREIB). He is also a member of the Cyber Stewards Network. |
Rasta Daei
Rasta Daei is currently Iran Policy Advisor in the Middle East Bureau of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada. He is responsible for overseeing the Department’s outreach to the Iranian-Canadian Diaspora, and is helping develop Canada’s Direct Diplomacy strategy on Iran, which incorporates digital tools and social media in diplomacy. From July 2009 – May 2012, Daei was First Secretary (political-military) at the Embassy of Canada, Kabul. A native Farsi speaker born in Tehran, his time in Afghanistan was focused primarily on Afghanistan’s peace process. Prior to this, Daei was Desk Officer in charge of Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi and prior to that, Iran Desk Officer. |
Chris Davis
Chris Davis is likely best known for his discovery of the Mariposa Botnet and the creation and leadership of the Mariposa Working Group. Comprised of key industry players as well as global law enforcement, this group took down the world’s largest known botnet and was directly responsible for 7 arrests, from Spain to Slovenia. Mr. Davis has taken down more than 200 botnets since 2009, and has been directly responsible for more than a dozen computer crime arrests around the world. Prior to founding Defence Intelligence, Mr. Davis was the Director of Threat Analysis for Damballa, a Georgia Tech incubated start-up. Prior to Damballa, he was the lead technical resource for Dell’s Global Information Security Unit, and has consulted and advised dozens of government agencies and Fortune 100 organizations. In 2010 Mr. Davis was the recipient of the Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit Global Hero Award. |
Jochem de Groot
Jochem de Groot has worked on the Netherlands government’s agenda to promote Internet freedom globally since 2009. He initiated and coordinated the founding conference of the Freedom Online Coalition in The Hague in December 2011, and advised the Kenyan government on the second Freedom Online event in Nairobi in 2012. He represents the Dutch government in the EU, UN, OSCE and other multilateral fora, and oversees a project portfolio for promoting internet freedom globally. Before joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he worked as political advisor for the Liberal International in London, and as an assistant and policy advisor in the Dutch parliament to former Dutch liberal party leaders Jozias van Aartsen and Mark Rutte, the country’s current prime minister. He holds Master’s degrees in Sociology and Islam Studies from the Universities of Utrecht and Amsterdam, and a Bachelor’s degree in social sciences from University College Utrecht. |
Arjen de Wolff
Arjen de Wolff joined Radio Zamaneh as executive director in 2011. He has a background in journalism, European politics and international assistance in the fields of democracy, good governance, human rights, and media development. In the past fifteen years, he has lived and worked in the Caribbean, Latin-America, Eastern-Europe, the Caucasus, Morocco, Turkey, Russia and the Middle-East, directing aid programs and providing leadership to various governmental organizations and international NGOs. |
Ron Deibert
Ron Deibert, (OOnt, PhD, University of British Columbia) is Professor of Political Science, and Director of the Canada Centre for Global Security Studies and the Citizen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. The Citizen Lab is an interdisciplinary research and development hothouse working at the intersection of the Internet, global security, and human rights. He is a co-founder and a principal investigator of the OpenNet Initiative and Information Warfare Monitor (2003-2012) projects. Deibert was one of the founders and (former) VP of global policy and outreach for Psiphon Inc.
Kristen Dennesen
Kristen Dennesen is the manager of the iDefense Emerging Threats Team. Dennesen’s team combines security engineers with intelligence analysts to provide clients with advanced trending and horizon analysis, including strategic indications and warnings reports, threat actor capability assessments, and impact assessments on potentially disruptive events. Prior to joining Verisign, Dennesen was a US Fulbright Scholar in Medellin, Colombia, where she studied political sociology and taught an undergraduate lab in research methods and academic writing. She speaks Spanish and Portuguese and served previously as the manager of iDefense’s International Cyber Intelligence team. Dennesen holds a Bachelor of Arts in sociology from the University of Chicago. |
Heather Dryden
Heather Dryden currently serves as Senior Policy Advisor at the International Telecommunications Policy and Coordination Directorate at the Canadian Department of Industry (Industry Canada) and is based in Ottawa. Dryden has worked for the Department since 2002 and has lead responsibility for Internet governance and Domain Name System (DNS) policy matters. In this role, Dryden coordinates and develops Canadian government positions and policy, and chairs the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). She also has responsibilities within the United Nations system on Internet-related matters, including the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Dryden has an educational background in International Politics and Strategic Studies, now specialising in Russian Studies. |
Pauline Dugré
Pauline Dugré has worked for the Canadian Commission for UNESCO since 2001 as Communication and Information Programme Officer. Her responsibilities include the promotion of freedom of expression and freedom of the press in Canada; networking and consulting with Canadian experts on social, legal and ethical impacts of new technologies; as well as the promotion of the work of libraries and archives in ensuring access to information and knowledge. She manages the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme in Canada. In preparation for the two phases of the World Summit on the Information Society, she organized consultations with a large number of Canadian civil society representatives. She started her career as a broadcast journalist working for private television and radio stations and then for Radio-Canada (CBC) in Québec City. |
Sue E. Eckert
The Honorable Sue E. Eckert is Senior Fellow at the Watson Institute for International Studies, after having served as Assistant Secretary of Export Administration in the Clinton Administration. Her current research focuses on issues at the intersection of international security and political economy –targeted sanctions, terrorism financing, cybersecurity, and critical infrastructure protection. At the Watson Institute, she co-directs projects on United Nations sanctions and terrorist financing. She works extensively with United Nations bodies to enhance economic instruments of international security, and previously coauthored a policy primer on Global Electronic Commerce. |
Mahmood Enayat
Mahmood Enayat is the founder of Small Media, an organization focusing on increasing flow of information in Iran, through research, training and technology. He is the former Iran Country Director for the BBC Media Action and the Iran Media Program of University Pennsylvania. Enayat holds a Masters degree in Analysis, Design and the Implementation of Information Systems from the London School of Economics (2006) as well as a Bachelors of Science degree in Computer Science with Management from King’s College London (2005). |
Golnaz Esfadiari
Golnaz Esfadiari is a senior correspondent with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and the editor of the award-winning “Persian Letters” blog that covers under-reported Iranian political and social developments, and social media. |
Liesyl Franz
Liesyl Franz is senior policy advisor in the Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Issues at the Department of State. There, she joins the team coordinating international engagement and policy as laid out in the U.S. International Strategy for Cyberspace issued by President Obama in May 2011. Previously, she was vice president for cybersecurity and global public policy at TechAmerica, working with industry and government leaders on such issues as cybersecurity, critical infrastructure protection and Internet Governance. She represented TechAmerica in the Business Action to Support the Information Society in the annual Internet Governance Forums, served on the steering committee for the IGF-USA, and participated in the Information Technology Sector Coordinating Council (IT SCC) under the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), where she served on the Executive Committee, as Secretary, and as vice chair of the International Committee. She holds a BA in Political Science from the University of Texas at Austin and an MA from the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University. |
Eva Galperin
Eva Galperin is the Global Policy Analyst at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). She has worked for the EFF in various capacities for the last five years, applying the combination of her political science and technical background to organizing activism campaigns, and doing education and outreach on intellectual property, privacy, and security issues. Prior to working at EFF, she worked at the US-China Policy Institute, where she helped to organize conferences and researched Chinese energy policy. |
Annie Game
Annie Game is the Executive Director of IFEX, a global network of over 80 organisations connected by a shared commitment to defend and promote freedom of expression as a fundamental human right, and Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE), an organization focused on education and advocacy in Canada and internationally. |
Ramsey George
Ramsey George is a founding member of 7iber.com, where he works with online and offline communities around the Middle East to create spaces for critical conversations and community building. For Ramsey, new media can be a powerful media to bring people together in order to positively contribute to society. Living in Amman, Jordan, he has a B.S. in rhetoric and communication and an M.S. in technical communication.
Laurent Giacobino
Laurent Giacobino has spent the past seven years designing and coordinating projects to foster the use of technology by civic actors in closed societies, particularly in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. He currently works as an independent consultant with different media development and technology organizations on programs focused on education and raising awareness on Internet freedom and digital security. |
Phillipa Gill
Phillipa Gill is a postdoctoral fellow at the Citizen Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, and starting in the fall of 2013 will be an assistant professor at Stony Brook University, New York. Her main research area is computer networks with a focus on network measurement and characterization. She uses network measurement, data analysis and ideas from economics to improve security and reliability of networks. Through dialog with relevant stakeholders on the Internet — standardization bodies, government organizations, and network operators — she works to have real world impact with research. She completed her Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in 2012 and holds an M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Calgary. During her Ph.D., she spent time as a visiting researcher at AT&T Labs–Research, Boston University, and Microsoft Research.
Misha Glenny
Misha Glenny is the international bestselling author of McMafia: A Journey through the Global Criminal Underworld, The Rebirth of History, The Fall of Yugoslavia (winner of the Overseas Press Club Award for Best Book on Foreign Affairs), and The Balkans: 1804-1999. He was an International Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, D.C., and a visiting professor at the London School of Economics. He recently published a new book, DarkMarket: Cyberthieves, Cybercops and You. |
Christopher Gore
Christopher Gore is Associate Professor, Politics and Public Administration at Ryerson University in Toronto. He holds a PhD and MA in Political Science and Environmental Studies from the University of Toronto, and a BSc in Environmental Science from the University of Guelph. Gore is actively engaged in research relating to the use of web-based tools for public engagement and critical infrastructure in East Africa and North America. He has conducted extensive research in Uganda and Kenya on electricity infrastructure and contested processes of policy and political reform relating to infrastructure, natural resources, cities, and information and communications technology. Current and ongoing research in East Africa focuses on the relationship between electricity and cyber infrastructure, particularly how private and public interests intersect and conflict in their evolution and expansion. |
Cath Goulding
Cath Goulding currently works as Head of Information Security for Nominet UK. This not for profit company runs the Internet Registry Service for .uk, of which there are now over 10 million domain names. She is responsible for ensuring the security of Nominet’s internal assets and the Internet services it provides. Prior to joining Nominet, Goulding worked at the British Intelligence organisation, GCHQ, for 15 years holding a variety of posts with 10 of those years in the field of cyber security. She worked in Intelligence analysis, Intrusion Detection research, Data Mining research and spent 3 years in the UK embassy in Washington D.C. as a liaison officer. Goulding has a BSc in Mathematics, an MSc in Human Computer Interaction and is CISSP qualified. |
John D. Gregory
John D. Gregory is General Counsel in the Policy and Adjudicative Tribunals Division, Ministry of the Attorney General (Ontario). After clerking for the Chief Justice of Canada, he was called to the Bar in 1977. He practised commercial law with Wright & McTaggart in Toronto until 1985, when he joined the provincial government. Gregory chaired the working groups of the Uniform Law Conference of Canada that produced the Uniform Electronic Evidence Act and the Uniform Electronic Commerce Act, both widely adopted across the country. From 1997 to the present he has been a member of the Canadian delegation to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) working group on electronic commerce, which produced in that period the Model Law on Electronic Signatures and the Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts. He was also on the first Canadian delegation to the UNCITRAL Working Group on Online Dispute Resolution. |
Robert Guerra
Robert Guerra is a senior advisor to The Citizen Lab and Canada Centre for Global Security Studies at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. Robert is a civil society expert specializing in issues of Internet governance, cyber security, Internet freedom and human rights. Robert serves as a member of ICANN’s Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC), as well as a member of the US IGF Steering Committee. Additionally he has participated as a member of the official Canadian delegation at two UN World Summits on the Information Society (WSIS). |
Lobsang Gyatso
Lobsang Gyatso Sither is a Tibetan born in exile dedicated to increasing cyber security among Tibetans inside Tibet and in the diaspora. He is a Field Coordinator with the Tibet Action Institute. He has helped to develop community-specific technologies and educational content and deploys them via training and public awareness campaigns at the grassroots level. He works with key communicators and organizations in the Tibetan community, including Voice of Tibet Radio and the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy. He is also a member of the Cyber Stewards Network. |
Barbara Haig
Barbara Haig is deputy to the president for policy and strategy at the National Endowment for Democracy. A widely recognized expert in the field of democracy promotion, she provides strategic and policy direction to the grant making effort of the NED and advises its president and board regarding broader institutional strategies that will further advance the goals of the grants program. Haig joined the NED in the spring of 1985 and, in her last position as vice president for program planning and evaluation, she led the dramatic growth of the NED’s grants program, which included management of the programmatic development, monitoring, and evaluation capacities of NED’s worldwide grant making efforts. In the past decade, she oversaw a vast expansion of NED’s program in the Arab Middle East, especially Iraq and Afghanistan. |
Sohier Hall
Sohier Hall is a technology and social enterprise entrepreneur. As co-founder and Chief Executive of the action platform Luum, his work is in the service of people who are self-determined to make positive impacts in their communities and the world. Hall spent 10 years as an executive in Microsoft’s Online Services Division overseeing global product & business incubation efforts within MSN, Search and the Advertising platform. The initiatives turned into global-scale engagement platforms for the Network. Through his work, Sohier has been a long-standing advocate of the personal data ecosystem concept, including user control, transparency and privacy by design. |
Johan Hallenborg
Johan Hallenborg holds a LL.M. degree with specialisation in human rights law and public international law from the Law Faculty at Lund University, Sweden, from where he graduated in 1998. Hallenborg was employed in 2005 as Sida’s Regional Adviser on Human Rights and Democracy in Southeast Asia, placed at the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok. He worked in this capacity until 2008, providing advice on human rights issues to Swedish development programmes throughout the Southeast Asian region. In 2008, Hallenborg joined the Department of International Law, Human Rights and Treaty Law at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Stockholm, where he currently is serving as a Deputy Director in the Human Rights Division. Since 2009, he has been extensively involved in the Swedish Government’s work on Internet freedom. |
Shelly Han
Shelly Heald Han is the Policy Advisor for Economics, Environment, Technology and Trade at the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission.) Han joined the Commission in 2006 after working as a special assistant and acting Chief of Staff at Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the Department of Homeland Security. Prior to that, she was at the Department of Commerce where she worked on international security policy related to the export of sensitive goods and technology. Han has extensive experience in the private sector in international trade, working for over 15 years in trade policy and promotion with a focus on the Asia Pacific region. She has an M.A. in International Commerce and Policy from George Mason University and a B.A. in Political Science and Oriental Studies from the University of Arizona. |
Seth Hardy
Seth Hardy is a Senior Security Analyst at the Citizen Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. Prior to the Citizen Lab, he worked for a large anti-virus vendor. Seth has worked extensively on analysis of document-based malware and AV evasion methods. Other areas of experience include: provably secure cryptography, random number generators, and network vulnerability research. Seth has spoken at a number of security conferences including Black Hat, DEF CON, SecTor, and the CCC. He holds degrees from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Mathematics and Computer Science. |
Del Harvey
As Senior Director of Trust and Safety at Twitter, Del Harvey works to define policy and to ensure user safety and security in the challenging realm of modern social media. Prior to joining Twitter, she spent five years as the co-administrator and law enforcement liaison for a 501(c)3 non-profit charity, working with agencies ranging from local police departments to the FBI, US Marshals, and the Secret Service. |
Nick Haycock
Nick Haycock joined the Office of Cyber Security and Information Assurance (OCSIA) in March 2009, and has specific responsibilities in the area of international security, norms of behaviour, and advancing bilateral and multilateral cyber security relationships. He has led the UK’s work on developing norms of behaviour for cyber space, and was an integral part of the team that planned and delivered the London Conference on Cyberspace in November 2011. In this context, he has developed contacts with many of the countries represented on the UNGGE. He has also represented the UK’s position in various multilateral bodies, including the OSCE and OECD. Prior to joining OCSIA, he was Head of Information Assurance Policy at the UK’s National Technical Authority for Information Assurance (CESG) based in Cheltenham, and has held a range of security related and other posts in that organization. Haycock holds a Master’s Degree from Cranfield University. |
Peter Hellmonds
Peter Hellmonds is a senior international public affairs executive with a passion for advancing the benefits of information technologies for society. He cooperated with the World Economic Forum’s Digital Divide Initiative in 2001, the G8’s Digital Opportunities Task Force in 2002, the UN ICT Task Force from 2002 to 2005, and championed business’ role in the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005. Peter currently enjoys a sabbatical leave of absence from Nokia Siemens Networks to reposition himself for new challenges. He is an active contributor in Internet Governance, ICT for Development, and the Information Society as Senior Advisor on the Digital Economy with the German Chapter of the International Chamber of Commerce, as a member of the communications expert group of the German UNESCO Commission, as member of the Internet Society and as Board Member of World Computer Exchange, Inc., a non-profit committed to improving the opportunities for youth in developing countries. |
Andrew Hilts
Andrew Hilts is Luum’s Online Technology Policy Designer, and has developed usable policy documents that aim to provide Luum members with an understandable description of how and why their data will be used, as well as other rights and responsibilities. He has also worked as a web developer at a large Canadian magazine and a research assistant at the University of Toronto, from where he obtained his Master’s of Information. Andrew has published work on design knowledge management and requirements engineering. He is interested in researching usable privacy controls that encourage conscientious information disclosure, group decision making technologies, and online deliberation. |
Rex Hughes
Rex B. Hughes is a visiting fellow for cyber security at Wolfson College, University of Cambridge and at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. Internationally recognised for his expertise on the global political economy of the Internet, Dr. Hughes is a regular speaker at Euro-Atlantic leadership fora including the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Global Economic Symposium, and St Gallen Forum. He provides expert advice to North Atlantic business and government entities. From 2005-07, Hughes served as a Cambridge-MIT Institute research associate contributing to disruptive technology roadmaps for British Telecom, Nortel, Nokia, and T-Mobile. From 2009-2010, Hughes served as first Chatham House associate fellow in cyber security. From 1999-2003, whilst a student at the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington (UW), Hughes founded and directed the first university based Internet studies programme, the Center for Internet Studies. There in partnership with IBM and Lotus, Hughes led the development of iEnvoy™, the first secure Internet communications platform for diplomats, successfully deployed in 21 APEC and ASEAN foreign ministries through US Department of State sponsorship. |
Roger Hurwitz
Roger Hurwitz is a Senior Fellow at the Canada Centre for Global Security Studies at the Munk School of Global Affairs, Research Scientist at MIT CSAIL, a founder of Explorations in Cyber International Relations, a program funded by the US Defense Department’s Minerva Research Initiative, and the principal organizer of the Cyber Norms workshop. His research interests include computational modeling of international conflict and cooperation, automated content analysis and narrative modeling, analysis and development of cyber defense strategies. A PhD in computational social science, he has taught at MIT and the Hebrew University (Jerusalem). |
Mikko Hypponen
Mikko Hypponen is the Chief Research Officer of F-Secure in Finland. He has been working with computer security for over 20 years and has fought the biggest virus outbreaks in the net, including Loveletter, Conficker and Stuxnet. He’s also a columnist for the New York Times, Wired, CNN and BBC. His TED Talk on computer security has been seen by almost a million people and has been translated to over 35 languages. Mr. Hypponen was selected among the 50 most important people on the web in by the PC World magazine. Foreign Policy magazine included him on the list of “Top 100 Global Thinkers.” He sits on the advisory board of ISF and the Lifeboat Foundation. |
Kenneth Irving
Kenneth Irving spent 27 years in the energy industry and is past Chief Executive of Irving Oil. He earned a reputation for innovative growth in building world-scale energy infrastructure vital to the Eastern seaboard. Irving’s new ventures include Internet infrastructure, with a special interest in sustaining self-organized groups. He is an advocate of building essential components for the future of Big Data and Personal Data Ecosystems through to benefit multi-stakeholder groups. He is also a co-founder of the action platform Luum, a proud sponsor of Cyber Dialogue, and a proponent of Privacy by Design. |
Karl Kathuria
Karl is currently the VP of Commercial Management for Psiphon, Toronto-based providers of circumvention technologies on multiple platforms. He manages business relationships with broadcasters and organisations who are looking to reach audiences in countries where Internet content is blocked or filtered. Prior to this, he spent over 10 years at the BBC, managing the distribution of World Service Internet content to a global audience. In this role, he faced the challenge of delivering news content into countries where censorship is prevalent. Karl also led a project with the Citizen Lab team in 2011, studying the impact of the BBC’s content distribution strategies in China and Iran, published as “Casting a Wider Net.”
Dragana Kaurin
Dragana Kaurin is the program associate of the New America Foundation’s Open Internet Tools Project. She has worked in Information Management and Communications at UN OCHA and UNICEF, before entering the Human Rights Studies program at Columbia where she did research on the Iraqi Refugee Crisis in Lebanon and Syria. Kaurin is an experienced crisis mapper, has worked as a researcher for Ushahidi, and managed a number of Ushahidi mapping deployments. She is originally from Bosnia, where she worked in refugee rights with organizations like the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, and Builders for Peace. She speaks French, Arabic, and Serbo-Croatian. Kaurin came to OpenITP from Columbia University, where she was a member of the New Media Task Force Group at SIPA. She has a B.A. in Cultural Anthropology and Arabic Language from Ohio State University, and an M.A. in Human Rights from Columbia University. |
Emad Khazraee
Emad Khazraee is a doctoral candidate in Information Studies at iSchool at Drexel University. His research covers area of new media in general and particularly two main themes: The cultural differences in new media use (specifically in Iran) and the relationship between new media and social movements. Recently, he has focused on studying social networking platforms and their role in the creation of virtual public spaces under repressive regimes. His latest research on the SNS in Iran revealed an underground public space in Iran formed around the platform of Facebook. |
Eric King
Eric King is head of research at Privacy International, where he runs the Big Brother Incorporated project, an investigation of the international trade in surveillance technologies. His work focuses on the intersection of human rights, privacy and technology. He is the secret prisons technical adviser at Reprieve, is on the advisory council of the Foundation for Information Policy Research and holds a degree in law from the London School of Economics. |
Alexander Klimburg
Alexander Klimburg is a Fellow and Senior Adviser at the Austrian Institute for International Affairs. Since joining the Institute in October 2006, Klimburg has acted as an advisor to a number of different governments and international organizations on various issues within cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), and EU Common and Foreign Security Policy (CFSP). Klimburg has partaken in international and intergovernmental discussions, has acted as an advisor to the Austrian delegation at the OSCE, and has been a member of various European and international policy and working groups. He is the principle author of a 2011 European Parliament study and the editor of the NATO-funded National Cyber Security Framework Manual. He regularly advises on national and European cybersecurity legislation. |
Brenden Kuerbis
Brenden Kuerbis is a postdoctoral research consultant at Syracuse University, where he received his PhD from the School of Information Studies, and is a non-resident fellow in Internet Security Governance at the Citizen Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. His work focuses generally on the governance and security of Internet identifiers, including domain names and IP addresses, and digital identity. Kuerbis is a partner in the Internet Governance Project, a leading source for coverage and analysis of global Internet policy that is widely read by governments, industry and civil society. |
Farhaan Ladhani
Farhaan Ladhani has recently returned to the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada to head up a team responsible for implementing the Department’s Direct Diplomacy initiative. Ladhani comes to Foreign Affairs from the Canadian International Development Agency. In 2011, he was a Principal at Cloud to Street, a project to connect Egyptian democracy activists with technology expertise and to better understand the intersection between cyberspace and political space in the Egyptian revolution. |
Frank LaRue
Frank LaRue is the UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection for the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, appointed by the UN Human Rights Council in 2008. At present, he is the President of the Board of Directors of the DEMOS Institute, an NGO that works on the promotion of democratic values and provides support to the participation of youth, women and indigenous peoples in Guatemala. He has a wide experience in human rights, democratic development, social communication, education, Latin American analysis and political issues. He was a human rights lawyer in cases presented to the Inter-American Human Rights Commission and the Inter-American Human Rights Court and lobbied before the UN System on Human Rights. He was nominated to the Peace Nobel Prize on 2003 for this work in the Genocide case in Guatemala. |
David C. Lashway
David C. Lashway leads Baker & McKenzie’s global cybersecurity practice and is located in Washington, DC. He focuses his practice in the areas of crisis management, internal investigations, and complex criminal, civil and administrative litigation, and has significant experience advising clients with respect to various aspects of cybersecurity related matters. He is a sought-after lawyer who advises the Fortune 100 on the full lifecycle of enterprise risks associated with information security, including before, during and after a network breach, as well as federal regulatory and criminal matters. |
James Lawson
James Lawson has a Masters in General Linguistics from Strasbourg University. As Head of the Council of Europe’s Human Rights Information Centre he set up the first European Convention on Human Rights case-law database and a range of other internal and public information systems for the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI).
He currently works in the Internet Governance Unit of the Council of Europe. He is currently working on the establishment of a multi-stakeholder “framework of commitments” to give broader effect to Internet governance standards already agreed by the Council of Europe’s member states. |
Andrew Leslie
Andrew Leslie was the Deputy Commander of ISAF and Commander Task Force Kabul, Afghanistan, for which he was awarded the Meritorious Service Cross and appointed a Commander of the US Legion of Merit. On his return to Canada he became Assistant Chief of the Land Staff and subsequently the Director General Strategic Planning at National Defence Headquarters. He was then promoted to Lieutenant-General while appointed Chief of the Land Staff and Commander of the Land Forces (Army), a position he held for four years and at the height of the most recent Afghan war. In 2009 he was awarded the Commander’s Cross of Merit by Poland. In 2010 he became the Canadian Forces Chief of Transformation, leading a multi-disciplinary team of military and civilian personnel culminating in the “2011 Report on Transformation”, which is a detailed and critical examination of where recent growth in overhead has occurred, and where resources should be invested for the future. In 2011 he retired from the Canadian Forces and became a Senior Vice President with CGI, a large Canadian multinational. As of 2013 he is a founding partner in InnovaNord, a strategic consultancy and cyber resilience practice, based in Ottawa.
James Andrew Lewis
James Andrew Lewis is a senior fellow and Program Director at CSIS where he writes on the Internet, security and the international economy. Before joining CSIS, he worked at the Department of State as a Foreign Service Officer and the Department of Commerce as a member of the Senior Executive Service. Lewis worked on a range of issues involving international security, Asia and technology. He was the Rapporteur for the 2010 United Nations Group of Governmental Experts on information Security. Lewis is a leading global experts on cybersecurity and his writings are among the seminal works on strategies, norms and warfare. He has authored numerous publications since coming to CSIS. His current research examines the political effect of the Internet, strategic competition, and innovation. Lewis received his PhD from the University of Chicago. |
Catherine Lotrionte
Professor Catherine Lotrionte is the Director of the Institute for Law, Science and Global Security and Visiting Assistant Professor of Government and Foreign Service at Georgetown University. Lotrionte teaches courses on national security law, cybersecurity law, US intelligence law, and international law. In 2006 she founded the CyberProject at Georgetown University. Through the CyberProject she organizes an annual international cyber engagement conference at Georgetown bringing together US and foreign government officials, private sector experts and academics. In 2002 she was appointed by General Brent Scowcroft to be Counsel to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board at the White House, a position she held until 2006. Prior to that, Lotrionte was Assistant General Counsel with the Office of General Counsel at the Central Intelligence Agency. She also served in the US Department of Justice. Professor Lotrionte earned her PhD from Georgetown University and her JD from New York University. |
Rebecca MacKinnon
Rebecca MacKinnon is a Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation where she focuses on the intersection of networked technologies, human rights, and corporate accountability. She is author of Consent of the Networked: The Worldwide Struggle For Internet Freedom (Basic Books, 2012), co-founder of Global Voices Online, and serves on the Boards of Directors of the Committee to Protect Journalists and the Global Network Initiative. Fluent in Mandarin Chinese, MacKinnon began her career working for CNN in Beijing and was Beijing Bureau Chief and Correspondent from 1998-2001, then served as CNN’s Tokyo Bureau Chief and Correspondent from 2001-03. |
Katherine Maher
Katherine Maher is the Director of Strategy and Engagement for Access, where she works to develop the organization’s strategic posture and oversee external engagement. Previously, she has worked with the World Bank, National Democratic Institute, and UNICEF on the role of technology in human rights, development, and democratic development. Maher is a fellow with the Truman National Security Project and a member of their Cybersecurity and Middle East Expert Groups. Her writing has been published in The Atlantic, Foreign Policy, and the Guardian. She studied at the American University in Cairo, IFPO Damascus, and New York University. |
John C. Mallery
John C. Mallery has been at The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and its successor the Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology since 1980. He is concerned with cyber deterrence, cyber strategy and cyber defense among varied research interests. Since 1999, he has explored advanced architectural concepts for cyber security and transformational computing. Since 2006, he organized a series of national workshops on technical and policy aspects of cyber defense. During the 1990s, he fielded early systems for Internet politics, including a campaign experiment during the 1992 presidential election, the White House Electronic Publications System 1993-2001, and the Vice President’s Open Meeting in 1994. In that context, he developed the first object-oriented Common Lisp Web Server, a series of adaptive survey research systems, the first production HTTP 1.1 server and URN resolver with location-independent fragment-aware identifiers, and many other firsts. |
Morgan Marquis-Boire
Morgan Marquis-Boire is a Security Researcher and Technical Advisor at the Citizen Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. He works as a Security Engineer at Google specializing in Incident Response, Forensics and Malware Analysis. Recently, he has been working with the Electronic Frontier Foundation on issues surrounding dissident suppression in Syria. He is a frequent speaker at events around the world and his work has been featured in numerous print and online publications including Bloomberg Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Le Monde and The New York Times. He received an honorable mention from SC Magazine as one of the influential minds of IT Security in 2012. He was also one of the original organizers of the KiwiCON conference in New Zealand. |
Tim Maurer
Tim Maurer focuses on Internet policy in international affairs as a program associate at the Open Technology Institute. He conducts research on Internet governance, human rights policy, and cyber-security.
Maurer is also an adjunct fellow with the Technology and Public Policy Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies where he worked was a research associate prior to joining New America. He assisted David Sanger with parts of his best-selling book Confront and Conceal, analyzing President Obama’s national security cyber policy. He has worked for the United Nations in Rwanda, Geneva, and New York and is a non-resident fellow at the Global Public Policy Institute. Maurer holds a Master in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School, where he was a McCloy fellow concentrating on international and global affairs. His award-winning thesis was a research project conducted for the White House National Security Council. He received his B.A. in political science from the Freie University Berlin. |
Sarah McKune
Sarah McKune is Senior Researcher at the Citizen Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. Her work includes comparative analysis of targeted cyber threats against human rights organizations, as well as research and analysis regarding international cyber security initiatives and export of rights-implicating technologies. Sarah is a lawyer with a background in international human rights law. |
Paul Meyer
Paul Meyer is Fellow in International Security and Adjunct Professor of International Studies at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. He is also Senior Fellow of The Simons Foundation. A former career diplomat with Canada’s Foreign Service, he has served as Ambassador to the UN and Conference on Disarmament in Geneva and as Director General of the Security & Intelligence Bureau of DFAIT. His chief cyber research interest is on the diplomacy of international cyber security and the potential for cooperative security approaches to govern state conduct in cyberspace. |
Stefania Milan
Stefania Milan is curious about radical internet activism, self-organization in cyberspace, and the politics of code. As a political sociologist of the web, she enjoys experimenting with digital, participatory and action-oriented research methods, and seeks ways of bridging research with policy and action. Milan studied Communication Sciences at the University of Padova, Italy, and holds a PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute. She has worked extensively in international media outlets and has been involved in media activism projects. As a consultant, she has worked for, amongst others, the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, and the European Commission. Currently, she is Assistant Professor of Data Journalism at Tilburg University, the Netherlands, and a post doctoral fellow at the Citizen Lab, University of Toronto. She is based in Amsterdam. |
Ram Mohan
Ram Mohan is Executive Vice President, & Chief Technology Officer of Afilias Limited. Ram oversees key strategic, management and technology choices for the company in support of the company’s various lines of business. Mohan has led the strategic growth of the company in registry services and security as well as new product sectors such as Managed DNS, Product Traceability, RFID/Auto-ID, and Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs). He serves on the Board of Directors of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in a non-voting capacity. Mohan is a pioneer in both Internet security and Internationalization. He is a founding member of the Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC), which consists of Internet pioneers and technical experts who provide guidelines and advice on matters concerning Internet security and stability. |
Aleksander Mojsiejuk
Aleksander Mojsiejuk holds a Master’s degree in political science and international studies from Uppsala University in Sweden. Since 2011, Mojsiejuk is responsible for cyber security and security policy in relation to ICT at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs where he serves as Desk Officer at the Department for Security Policy. |
Negar Mortazavi
Negar Mortazavi is a TV Host and Social Media Editor at VOA. She hosts VOA Persian’s daily interactive show Straight Talk (Rooye Khat). Prior to VOA she worked at the International Center for Journalists and at the United Nations headquarters in New York. She has a Master of Arts in International Development from Brandeis University. |
Bijan Moshaver
Bijan Moshaver is a medical Scientist at the University Medical Center in Nijmegen, Netherlands. He is an active member of the Green-Left party in the Netherlands. After the Iranian revolution of 1979, Moshaver became a member of the Resistance Council at Tehran University, leading to his arrest and imprisonment. Many of his friends were executed. Despite this, Moshaver continued to work for his country as president of the Iran Future Foundation for the last eight years, an organization focused on contributing to the democratization of Iran. He has been a member of Radio Zamaneh’s board since October 2007 and its president since early 2008. |
Jill Moss
Jill Moss is a Democracy Fellow with the United States Agency for International Development. She helps design and implement Internet freedom program in transitional countries, focusing specifically on the integration of ICTs in civil society and among independent media. While at USAID missions overseas, Jill also provides digital security and privacy support to indigenous journalists. Prior to becoming a Democracy Fellow, Jill was a member the Broadcasting Board of Governors’ Internet Anti-Censorship Team — a critical program for distributing US international broadcast elements (VOA, RFERL, RFA, MBN & OCB) into denied cyber environments. Moss is also a doctoral student studying strategic communication at George Mason University. Her research interests include ICT diffusion and adoption, business models for journalistic startups and mobile technology. In addition, she has taught journalism and radio news as an adjunct in the GMU Communication Department. Her pedagogical approach is based on 12 years reporting experience with the Voice of America. Moss started her career on Capitol Hill working a press secretary for her Nebraska Congressman.
Milton Mueller
Milton Mueller is Professor at Syracuse University School of Information Studies, New York. Mueller received the PhD from the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School in 1989. His research focuses on rights, institutions and global governance in communication and information industries. Currently, he is doing research on IP addressing policy, the policy implications of Deep Packet Inspection technology, and the security governance practices of ISPs. Mueller was one of the founders of the Internet Governance Project, an alliance of scholars in action around global Internet policy issues. As co-founder of the ICANN’s Noncommercial Users Constituency, he has played a leading role in organizing and mobilizing civil society in ICANN and OECD. He serves on the Executive Committee of the ICANN’s Noncommercial Stakeholders Group and was elected to ARIN’s Advisory Council. |
Karen Mulberry
Karen Mulberry joined the Internet Society as a Policy Advisor in March of 2012. She brings over 10 years of international public policy advocacy experience and has addressed the implementation of local number portability, ENUM, threats to IP addressing, establishment of open competition and the reduction of barriers to entry, criteria for determining misuse and new initiatives such as data protection, content control and privacy through partnership with industry, governments and regulatory agencies. For eight years Mulberry was a key member of the preparatory team for the US delegation to the ITU working on advocacy positions such as IP addressing, Internet cyber security, roaming and interoperability. She was a member of the ITSCC International Committee that works with the White House and DHS to develop cyber security and Internet policy and has worked with the NTIA on technical and policy responses to OECD reports and other projects to represent company interests in content restrictions and privacy as government policy and positions are developed. |
Jan Neutze
Jan Neutze joined Microsoft’s Global Security Strategy and Diplomacy team in 2011 as a Senior Security Strategist focusing on cybersecurity, Internet governance and norms issues. In this role, Neutze develops corporate strategy for improving Internet governance regimes and leads engagements with governments and other key stakeholders on the emerging global discussion of norms of behavior in cyberspace. He came to Microsoft from the United Nations in New York, where he served for three years in the Office of the Secretary General and the Department of Political Affairs leading efforts focused on countering terrorist use of the Internet. Prior to his role at the United Nations, Neutze worked in Washington, DC as Assistant Director for Transatlantic Relations at the Atlantic Council of the United States, and as Program Officer at the German Marshall Fund of the United States focusing on transatlantic foreign and security policy issues. He holds a law degree from the University of Munster (Germany) and an M.A. in Security Studies from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. |
Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones
Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones was a career member of HM Diplomatic Service from 1963 to 1996, during which time she served in British Missions in Rhodesia, Singapore, Washington, DC in Bonn and in the European Commission. From 1991 to 1994 she was Head of the Defence and Overseas Secretariat in the Cabinet Office and Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet. During 1993 and 1994 she was Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee. From 1994, until her retirement, she was Political Director in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, in which capacity she led the British delegation to the Dayton negotiations on the Bosnia peace settlement. As chairman of QinetiQ Group Plc, Pauline took the defence and security company to flotation as a FTSE 250 company in 2006. She is a former Governor of the BBC. |
Gissou Nia
Gissou Nia is the Executive Director of the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC) – a not-for-profit organization based in New Haven, USA dedicated to documenting human rights abuses in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). In that capacity, she has interviewed 200+ survivors of human rights abuses perpetrated by the IRI and produced and edited comprehensive reports documenting these abuses. She has also advised governmental and regional bodies, policy makers and non-governmental organizations on the human rights situation in Iran and the larger region with a focus on the rights of women and ethnic and religious minorities. |
Helmi Noman
Helmi Noman is a Senior Researcher at the Citizen Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs (University of Toronto) and a Research Affiliate of the Berkman Center, working on the OpenNet Initiative. He leads the research on Internet, media and telecommunications laws and issues surrounding filtering and censorship in the Middle East and North Africa. Noman’s research also explores the impact of information and communication technologies on the Arab information societies, the Arabic Web content, how the use of the Internet defies the social and political structures in the region, and the potential systemic changes which cyberspace can bring to real space in the Arab world. He is also a member of the Cyber Stewards Network. |
Elliot Noss
Elliot Noss is CEO of Tucows. Tucows challenged how software was distributed in the 1990s and how domain names were offered and managed in the 2000s and is challenging how mobile phone service is provided today. For nearly twenty years, Noss has loved and championed the Internet as the greatest agent of positive change the world has ever seen. Through his role at Tucows, his involvement in ICANN and his personal efforts, he has lobbied, agitated and educated to promote this vision and protect an Open Internet around the world. |
Danny O’Brien
Danny O’Brien has worked as an activist for online free speech and privacy for over fifteen years, from combating encryption prohibitions in his home country of the United Kingdom in the 1990s to defending independent online media in repressive regimes in the 2010s. He was EFF’s activist from 2005 to 2007, and its international activism coordinator from 2007-2009. After three years working to protect at-risk online reporters with the Committee to Protect Journalists, he returned to EFF in 2013 to supervise EFF’s global strategy. Danny’s particular concerns are to protect the innocent users and creators of disruptive technologies from imprisonment and harassment, and supporting local digital rights groups around the world. He is the co-founder of the Open Rights Group, Britain’s own digital civil liberties organization. |
Taylor Owen
Taylor Owen is the Research Director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at the Columbia School of Journalism. He is the Founding Editor of the Canadian International Council’s international affairs platform OpenCanada.org, the Director of the International Relations and Digital Technology Project, an international research project exploring the intersection of information technology and international affairs, and the Research Director of the Munk Debates. His Doctorate is from the University of Oxford where he was a Trudeau Scholar. |
Mary R. Page
Mary R. Page is Director of the Human Rights and International Justice area of International Programs at the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. She joined the Foundation in 1990 as a program officer in the Program on Peace and International Cooperation, where she had responsibilities for grantmaking in the areas of conventional arms policy, Middle East regional security, and U.S. military production and budgets. From 1998 – 2000 she was Associate Director of the US Interests and Responsibilities area, working on public deliberation and the role of the United States in international affairs. Prior to joining the Foundation she was engaged in research and development of computer-assisted instruction programs at Stanford University, mathematics education research at the University of Chicago, and English composition and early childhood education at Holt, Rinehart and Winston, publishers, where she was a Senior Editor. Page has degrees from Harvard University and the University of Chicago and serves on the boards of the Global Philanthropy Partnership and the Fund for War Affected Children in Northern Uganda. |
Jon Penney
Jon Penney is a lawyer, Fellow at Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society, and a doctoral student at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, where his interdisciplinary research explores regulatory chilling effects online.
In 2011, he was a Google Policy Fellow at the Citizen Lab, where he helped lead the OpenNet Initiative’s new Transparency Project, a public/private research collaboration founded to encourage corporate transparency about government and law enforcement data requests. A graduate of Dalhousie University, he previously studied at Columbia Law School as a Fulbright Scholar and at Oxford as a Mackenzie King Scholar, where he also Associate Editor of the Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal. His research concerns constitutional/human rights law, intellectual property, & digital media policy & culture, particularly censorship, privacy, and security. |
Fred Petrossians
Fred Petrossians is Online Editor in Chief of Radio Farda, Radio Free Europe’s (RFE/RL) popular Persian site with 10 million page views in a month.
He co-edited and co wrote a book on Iranian protest movement based on citizen media (Hope, Votes and Bullets, 2010). He is co-founder of award winning March 18 Movement to raise awareness about bloggers’ safety around the world. Petrossians has been the Iran editor of Global Voices, a project that started in Harvard University to monitor citizen media and social media in the world. He has been an international speaker on civil society and citizen media in media and academic centers such as Yale University. |
Jennie Phillips
Jennie Phillips is a PhD student at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) and Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. Her research involves studying online engagement of civil society, specifically Volunteer Technical Communities (VTCs), in crisis situations and identifying strategies (policy, awareness, training and innovation) to bridge digital volunteerism and official emergency response efforts. Phillips also holds a Masters in Education Technology from Concordia University, Montreal. She has five years experience working in Emergency Management and over nine years working in Education and ICT.
Alejandro Pisanty
Alejandro Pisanty is a professor at the National University of Mexico (UNAM) with experience in theory and practice of Theoretical Chemistry, education, e-learning, Internet Governance, e-learning, and Internet-based innovation. He is active as a blogger and microblogger and has led successful social-media based campaigns like #InternetNecesario. He has served in the Boards of ICANN and ISOC, in the Working Group for Internet Governance, and in the Advisory Group of the Internet Governance Forum, and as co-founder of the Dynamic Coalition on Internet Core Principles and Values. |
Irene Poetranto
Irene Poetranto is the Communications Officer at the Citizen Lab and Canada Centre for Global Security Studies, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. She has substantive expertise and interest in the Southeast Asian region, particularly Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand, and has worked for, amongst others, the Human Security Report Project at Simon Fraser University, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Regional Office for Southeast Asia, and the University of British Columbia’s Centre for Southeast Asia Research. Poetranto is a member of the Organizing Committee of the 2013 Internet Governance Forum, which will take place in Bali, Indonesia. She has a BA in Political Science from the University of British Columbia and an MA in Political Science and Asia Pacific Studies from the University of Toronto. |
Monroe E. Price
Monroe E. Price is director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Global Communication Studies (CGCS) at the Annenberg School for Communication, where he works with a wide transnational network of regulators, scholars, and practitioners in Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia, as well as in the United States. Price also founded the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at Oxford University and remains a research fellow there. He chairs the Center for Media and Communications Studies at Central European University, a project instituted and encouraged by CGCS. Price has served on the President’s Task Force on Telecommunications Policy and the Sloan Commission on Cable Communications (both in the 1970s) and on the Carter-Sagalaev Commission on Radio and Television Policy (in the 1990s). |
Adam Pridgen
Adam Pridgen is currently pursuing his PhD in Computer Science as an NPSC Fellow under the supervision of Dr. Dan Wallach at Rice University. Adam began his security career in U.S. Army as an Infantryman after which he went on to complete a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and an M.S. in Engineering at the University of Texas. Prior to returning graduate school at Rice, he was responsible for helping build internal security testing standards and guidelines, developing tools, and executing engagements, which included code reviews, threat modeling, cryptographic analysis, and software penetration testing at Praetorian and prior to that, Foundstone. Pridgen has also presented on a wide range of topics as a lecturer and instructor for topics such as software security, wireless hacking, and reverse engineering. |
Chris Prince
Chris Prince has been a Strategic Policy Analyst within the Legal Services Branch of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada since 2007. His files focus on the privacy implications of national security programs, governance of surveillance practices, oversight and international law treating interception of private communications. Before that, he was a research analyst with Treasury Board Secretariat (working on parliamentary reporting) and Library and Archives Canada (metadata policies). Prior to this, he worked at Bombardier Aerospace (Montreal), Loewen Group (Vancouver) and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (Halifax). He holds a Master’s from McGill’s School of Information Studies in 2001 and an undergraduate in Contemporary Studies and English from the University of King’s College. |
John Proctor
John Proctor is the Director of Cyber Resilience for CGI, the Canadian company’s national cyber security practice and Cyber Security Centre of Excellence. Cyber Resilience encompasses Managed Security Services, Consultant Enterprise Security Services, Enterprise Security Health Checks, Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Tests, Cyber Forensics, Threat and Risk Assessments, BCP, DR and Privacy Impact Assessments. The team is based at CGI’s secure facility in Ottawa and supports all of CGI’s business units and clients, in Canada and globally. John’s 300 person cyber security team provides professional and managed security services to a large number of Canada’s major corporations, financial institutions, Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments. |
Freya Putt
Freya Putt is the Program Director for the Tibet Action Institute, where she manages projects to increase the safe and secure use of new communications technologies in the Tibetan community, developing and deploying community-specific apps, digital security training, and broad-based public education campaigns. Putt holds a master’s degree in International Affairs from Columbia University. Her previous work has included campaigning to change logging practices and increase protection of Canada’s Boreal Forest, raising the profile of the landmark Wiwa v. Shell case for justice and accountability in Ogoni territory in Nigeria, and coordinating the global Tibet movement’s campaign to spotlight Tibet’s occupation and pressure the Chinese leadership through the Beijing 2008 Olympics. She has been active in the Tibetan freedom movement for 15 years. |
Greg Rattray
Greg Rattray is the CEO and founding partner in Delta Risk and brings an exceptional record in establishing strategies for cyber security and risk management for clients across both the government and private sectors. During his 23 year Air Force career, he served as the Director for Cyber Security on the National Security Council staff in the White House where he was a key contributor to the President’s National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, initiated the first national cyber security exercise program involving government and the private sector, and coordinated the interagency activities related to international engagement on cyber security issues. Rattray also commanded the Operations Group of the AF Information Warfare Center and served in other command and staff positions. He also served from 2007-2010 as the Chief Security Advisor to ICANN establishing the strategy for enhancing security and resiliency of the domain name system. He was the driving force in the establishment of the Cyber Conflict Studies Association and serves as the Association’s President. |
Mark Raymond
Mark Raymond joined CIGI as a Research Fellow in August 2012. He holds a PhD in political science from the University of Toronto and has taught international relations at the University of Toronto and the University of Waterloo. His research interests include international relations theory, international law and organization, international security and global governance. At CIGI, he is developing new programming in the area of Internet governance. |
Thomas Rid
Thomas Rid is a Reader in War Studies at King’s College London. Between 2002 and 2010, Rid worked at a number of leading think tanks and research institutes in Berlin, Paris, Washington, and Jerusalem, including the Woodrow Wilson Center, SAIS, the RAND Corporation, the Institut français des relations internationales, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, and the Shalem Center. Thomas has published three books and numerous articles on political violence. His fourth book, Cyber War Will Not Take Place, is out in April. |
Harvey Rishikof
Harvey Rishikof currently has a joint appointment at Drexel University in the law school and iUniversity and is the chair of the Advisory Board for the ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security. He is a member of the Board of Visitors for the National Intelligence University and on the Advisory Board for the Harvard National Security Law Journal. His last position with the government was the Senior Policy Advisor to the Director of National Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX-ODNI) and is previous chair of the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Law and National Security. He is a lifetime member of the American Law Institute and the Council on Foreign Relations. Rishikof was a federal law clerk in the Third Circuit for the Honorable Leonard I. Garth, a Social Studies Tutor at Harvard University, attorney at Hale and Dorr, Administrative Assistant to the Chief Justice of the United States, legal counsel for the deputy director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and dean of Roger Williams School of Law in RI. |
David Satola
David Satola is Lead Counsel in the World Bank Legal Department where he has global responsibility for legal aspects of ICT reforms. His work focuses on the enabling environment for ICT infrastructure and services, Internet governance, competition regulation, cyber-security and ADR. His project work at the Bank spans more than 85 countries. He was seconded to the UN’s Working Group on Internet Governance and acts as the Bank’s Observer to ICANN’s GAC, the Multistakeholder Advisory Group of the UN’s Internet Governance Forum secretariat as well as to UNCITRAL’s Working Group on e-Commerce. He is the Chair of the Internet Governance Task Force in the ABA. He received his BA and MA from The Johns Hopkins University, his JD from the University of Wisconsin and also studied at the London School of Economics and the Hague Academy of International Law. |
Marietje Schaake
Marietje Schaake is a Member of the European Parliament for the Dutch Democratic Party (D66) with the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) political group. She serves on the Committee on Foreign Affairs, where she focuses on neighbourhood policy, Turkey in particular; human rights, with a specific focus on freedom of expression, Internet freedom, press freedom; and Iran. In the Committee on Culture, Media, Education, Youth and Sports she works on Europe’s Digital Agenda and the role of culture and new media in the EU´s external actions. In the Committee on International Trade she focuses on intellectual property rights, the free flow of information and the relation between trade and foreign affairs. She is also a founder of the European Parliament Intergroup on New Media and Technology. |
John Scott-Railton
John Scott-Railton is conducting research in collaboration with the Citizen Lab on electronic attacks against opposition groups and the media in Libya and Syria. His research focuses on the emergence and impact of Pro-Government Electronic Actors (PGEAs) during the Arab Spring, and other threats against the human and electronic networks that underpinned Libyan and Syrian opposition movements. In addition, he has worked to support the free and secure flow of information from Egypt and Libya by co-developing the highly collaborative citizen-journalist Voices Projects (@jan25voices and @feb17voices). He is also completing a PhD at UCLA, where his dissertation work focuses on the human security implications of climate change adaptation failures, focusing on West Africa. |
Eric Sears
Eric Sears is Program Officer for Human Rights and International Justice at the MacArthur Foundation. His grantmaking spans several areas aimed at defending freedom of expression and enhancing criminal justice, including efforts to advance an open internet. Prior to joining MacArthur in May 2009, Sears worked for Human Rights First in New York and Amnesty International USA in Washington DC. He holds degrees from the London School of Economics and St. Louis University. |
Adam Segal
Adam Segal is the Maurice R. Greenberg Senior Fellow for China Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). An expert on security issues, technology development, and Chinese domestic and foreign policy, Segal currently leads the Cyberconflict and Cybersecurity Initiative. His recent book Advantage: How American Innovation Can Overcome the Asian Challenge (W.W. Norton, 2011) looks at the technological rise of Asia. Segal has a BA and PhD in government from Cornell University, and an MA in international relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. |
Adam Senft
Adam Senft is a Research Officer at the Ciitzen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, where he focuses on online freedom of expression and information controls. He has an MA and BA in Political Science from the University of Toronto and a BSc from the University of Guelph. |
‘Gbenga Sesan
‘Gbenga Sesan is the Executive Director of Paradigm Initiative Nigeria (PIN). Originally trained as an Electronic & Electrical Engineer at Obafemi Awolowo University, ‘Gbenga completed Executive Education programs at Lagos Business School, New York Group for Technology Transfer, Oxford University, Harvard University, Stanford University, Santa Clara University and University of the Pacific. His consulting experience includes assignments completed for numerous institutions, including Microsoft, Harvard University and United Nations agencies, among others, in over 30 countries. A member of the United Nations Committee of eLeaders on Youth and ICT, he is a Crans Montana Forum Fellow, Archbishop Desmond Tutu Leadership Fellow, Ashoka Fellow, Our Common Future Fellow and Cordes Fellow. |
John B. Sheldon
John B. Sheldon is a Senior Fellow in Security Studies at the Canada Centre for Global Security Studies. John previously taught cyber and space strategy at the U.S. Air Force’s School of Advanced Air & Space Studies, Maxwell AFB, Alabama. As well as his scholarly pursuits Sheldon also consults on cyber and space issues. Previously he served in the British diplomatic service, and has also worked for several think-tanks. Sheldon is the author of numerous articles, chapters, and Op-Ed pieces in publications around the world, and was the founding co-editor of the peer-review journal Astropolitics. |
Tyler Simpson
Tyler Simpson is a hands-on senior leader with 15 years of experience designing, developing, and delivering large scale commercial software products, public cloud services and enterprise technology systems. Simpson is a cofounder of the civic action platform Luum. Prior to Luum, Tyler spent 10+ years at Microsoft in various developer, architect, and engineering management roles. |
Briar Smith
Briar Smith is a Research Project Manager at CGCS. While a graduate student at Annenberg School for Communication, she worked closely on a number of CGCS’s China initiatives, including teaching at the Penn-in-Beijing summer school and authoring a chapter in the Center’s publication of Owning the Olympics: Narratives of the New China. Her research interests include international cultural communications with particular focus on China and the Middle East, and the cultural politics of the body in contemporary Islamic contexts. Prior to joining CGCS full time, Smith was Lead Project Manager at a market research firm in Philadelphia. Smith has a Master’s degree in Communication from the University of Pennsylvania and a BA in Chinese Language and Literature and Psychology from Swarthmore College. |
Gordon Smith
Gordon Smith is a former Canadian deputy cabinet minister, NATO ambassador and G7/G8 Sherpa, and is a leading expert on the evolution of the G20 and global summitry. Since joining CIGI in 2010 as a distinguished fellow, he has been a key contributor to CIGI’s G20 research activities, events and publications. In 1979, Smith became the deputy under-secretary of state at External Affairs, and in 1985, deputy minister. Shortly thereafter, he was dispatched to Brussels as the permanent representative and ambassador to the Canadian delegation to NATO, and subsequently, was named Canada’s ambassador to the European Union. Returning to Canada in 1994, Smith was appointed deputy minister of Foreign Affairs. During this time, he began his personal involvement with the G7/G8, as the Sherpa (personal representative) for the prime minister at the G7/G8 summits in Halifax, Lyon and Denver. After retiring from the Government of Canada that same year, Smith joined the University of Victoria as executive director of the Centre for Global Studies (CFGS), and was appointed chair of the board of governors at the International Development Research Centre. |
Matthew Smith
Matthew Smith is a program officer at the International Development Research Center in the Information and Networks program. He oversees research on how information networks can be used to promote open, inclusive and rights based information societies in the south. Before joining IDRC in 2008, Smith completed postgraduate research on the interaction between technology and society, in particular the impact of e-government systems on citizens’ trust in the government Chile. Smith also studied e-government in Latin America for the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank. He has published on this subject and others, including the role of openness in development processes. |
Christopher Soghoian
Christopher Soghoian is a privacy researcher and activist, working at the intersection of technology, law and policy. He is a Principal Technologist and Senior Policy Analyst at the American Civil Liberties Union in Washington, D.C. He is also a Visiting Fellow at Yale Law School’s Information Society Project. Soghoian completed his Ph.D. at Indiana University in 2012, which focused on the role that third party service providers play in facilitating law enforcement surveillance of their customers. In order to gather data, he has made extensive use of the Freedom of Information Act, sued the Department of Justice pro se, and used several other investigative research methods. His research has appeared in publications including the Berkeley Technology Law Journal and been cited by several federal courts, including the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Between 2009-2010, he was the first ever in-house technologist at the Federal Trade Commission’s Division of Privacy and Identity Protection, where he worked on investigations of Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Netflix. Prior to joining the FTC, he co-created the Do Not Track privacy anti-tracking mechanism now adopted by all of the major web browsers. |
Andrei Soldatov
Andrei Soldatov is an investigative journalist and an editor of Agentura.Ru, an information hub on intelligence agencies. In 1996 he began his career as a reporter. In September 2000 he began with several colleagues the Agentura.Ru project.
He covered the siege of Nord-Ost in Moscow and the hostage crisis in Beslan. Soldatov regularly makes comments on terrorism and intelligence issues for Vedomosti, Radio Free Europe and the BBC. In April 2008 Praeger published the PSI Handbook of Global Security and Intelligence: National Approaches where Soldatov authored a chapter on Russia’s secret services. In September 2010 Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan’s published a book, titled The New Nobility: The Restoration of Russia’s Security State and the Enduring Legacy of the KGB (PublicAffairs, 2010). |
Barry Sookman
Barry Sookman is a Senior Partner at McCarthy Tétrault, in the firm’s Toronto Technology Law Group. Former leader of the firm’s Intellectual Property Group, and adjunct professor of Intellectual Property at Osgoode Law School. Sookman is recognized as one of Canada’s foremost authorities in information technology, Internet and copyright law, he has argued numerous precedent-setting IP cases at all levels of courts including the Supreme Court of Canada. Sookman is the author of numerous books, including the leading six-volume treatise Computer, Internet and Electronic Commerce Law, Canadian and International Casebook, Copyright: Cases and Commentary on the Canadian and International Law, and Computer, Internet and E-Commerce Terms: Judicial, Legislative and Technical Definitions. He is consistently identified by numerous publications as one of Canada’s top information technology and intellectual property lawyers. Adjunct Professor of Intellectual Property at Osgoode Law School. |
David Sullivan
David Sullivan is Policy and Communications Director at the Global Network Initiative. Based in Washington, DC, Sullivan helps lead GNI’s policy engagement with governments, facilitates shared learning opportunities for its members, and manages the Initiative’s communications and outreach activities. Prior to GNI, he was Research Director at the Enough Project at the Center for American Progress, where he oversaw field research and policy analysis on preventing mass atrocities in Africa. He has a master’s degree from the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies and a bachelor’s degree from Amherst College. |
Lhadon Tethong
Lhadon Tethong is the Director of the Tibet Action Institute, where she leads a team of technologists and human rights advocates in developing and advancing open-source communication technologies, nonviolent strategies and innovative training programs for Tibetans and other groups facing heavy repression and human rights abuses. Current priorities include increasing online and mobile safety in the Tibetan community, developing and deploying community-specific apps, carrying out digital security training, and implementing broad-based public education campaigns. One of the most influential leaders and prominent spokespeople in the Tibet movement, Lhadon was the Executive Director of Students for a Free Tibet where she worked from 1999-2009. She received the first annual James Lawson Award for Nonviolent Achievement from the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict at the Fletcher Summer Institute for the Advanced Study of Nonviolent Conflict in 2011. |
John Tye
John Tye works to advance Internet freedom at the US Department of State’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. He worked to pass the first UN Human Rights Council resolution on Internet freedom in July 2012, and helped to shape the Administration’s policy towards intellectual property enforcement bills in Congress. He covers sanctions and export control issues as they relate to technology and human rights.
Before he joined the State Department, he worked to reform the housing finance system at the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, as a legal aid attorney representing clients with housing issues in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and as an investigative reporter covering hate groups for the Southern Poverty Law Center. |
Marianna Tzabiras
Marianna Tzabiras has been working as a researcher and activist on human rights issues for over 10 years, with an initial focus on Latin America. She has had a long history with IFEX and is currently the Asia & Pacific and Digital Rights Section Editor. |
Reineke van Santen
Reineke van Santen holds a BA degree in Communication Management and MA degree in International Development, Social Policy and Social Development from the IDPM department at the University of Manchester. She has worked in International Communications including training governmental organizations of developing countries in internal and external communications before I entered the NGO world. She has also conducted research into citizen media for peace and for the past two year, been working at Radio Zamaneh as program manager, exploring the area’s of Freedom of Press and (Online) Citizen Journalism for Iran. |
James Vasile
James Vasile is the Director of the New America Foundation’s Open Internet Tools Project. He is a recognized expert on free and open source software and has long challenged the structural, security and privacy barriers that hinder free communication between people. He also directs the FreedomBox Foundation, a project devoted to building small, low-cost computers that protect people’s privacy, security and anonymity while they use the Internet. His FreedomBox work has received an Innovation Award at Contact Summit 2011, as well as an Ashoka ChangeMaker’s award for Citizen’s Media. In addition, he co-founded Open Source Matters, the non-profit foundation behind the Joomla CMS package. He holds a JD from Columbia Law School and a BA from Fordham College. |
Paul Vixie
Dr. Paul Vixie is Chairman and Founder of Internet Systems Consortium. He served as President of MAPS, PAIX and MIBH, as CTO of Abovenet/MFN, and on the board of several for-profit and non-profit companies. He has served on the ARIN Board of Trustees since 2005, where he served as Chairman in 2008 and 2009, and is a founding member of ICANN Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) and ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC). Vixie has been contributing to Internet protocols and UNIX systems as a protocol designer and software architect since 1980. He is considered the primary author and technical architect of BIND 8, and he hired many of the people who wrote BIND 9 and the people now working on BIND 10. He has authored or co-authored a dozen or so RFCs, mostly on DNS and related topics, and of Sendmail: Theory and Practice (Digital Press, 1994). He earned his Ph.D. from Keo University for work related to the Internet Domain Name System (DNS and DNSSEC).
Ben Wagner
Ben Wagner is a Researcher at European University Institute in Florence and currently completing a PhD on the globalised governance of freedom of expression online. He was also a Visiting Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and Human Rights Watch in Berlin. His research focuses on human rights, digital foreign policy and internet governance in the Middle East, Europe and North America. In recent years, Wagner has served as an academic expert for the European Commission, the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNESCO, Hivos, the Open Society Institute and the European Parliament.
Lynn Wallace
Lynn Wallace is a Senior Policy Officer with the Human Rights, Governance and Indigenous Affairs Policy Division at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Lynn develops and implements policy related to a number of civil and political rights, including freedom of expression, and human rights defenders. |
Greg Wiseman
Greg Wiseman is the Senior Analytics and Visualization Developer at the Citizen Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, where he helps wrangle data for a variety of projects. He has worked in industry developing visual analysis software and has a Bachelor of Mathematics in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo. |
Wendy Wong
Wendy Wong is currently Director of the Trudeau Center for Peace and Conflict Studies at the Munk School of Global Affairs, Assistant Professor in Political Science at the University of Toronto, and Associate Director of the new Munk School Global Justice Lab. She completed her undergraduate degree in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley, and then moved to the University of California, San Diego to pursue an MA and PhD in Political Science, finishing in 2008. Wong’s main research interests lie at the crossroads of International Relations and Comparative Politics. Research topics that interest her include: human rights, humanitarianism, international law, social movements, indigenous politics, the rights of ethnic minorities, the role of networks, state sovereignty, and global governance. |
Sarah Wynn-Williams
Sarah Wynn-Williams works on global public policy for Facebook. She managed the political affairs and government relations office at the New Zealand embassy in Washington, DC from 2007-2011. Sarah earned a BA in political science, international relations and diplomacy from University of Canterbury and a Master of Laws from Victoria University. |
Nora Young
Nora Young is the host and the creator of Spark, CBC Radio’s national radio show and podcast about technology and culture. She was the founding host of the CBC Radio show Definitely not the Opera, where she often focused on new media and technology. As a journalist, author, and speaker, Nora explores how new technology shapes the way we understand ourselves, and the world around us. Her book, The Virtual Self, on the explosion of data about our behaviours, opinions and actions, was published by McClelland and Stewart in 2012. Nora blogs at norayoung.ca. Find her on Twitter @nora3000.